Thank Goodness
Its a Fun

In short, TGIF events are family friendly gatherings held on Friday evenings hosted by volunteers throughout the collective Sheraton Lawns and Currie Park neighborhood.
- TGIF is open to everyone and are a really great way to get to know the people in Sheraton Lawns and Currie Park, beyond who lives on your street.
- These are BYO events - chairs, drinks, snacks, etc. so no one has to feel the stress of hosting, you simply provide the space to gather.
- Signs will be placed in the hosting home's front yard to make it easy to scout out their location.
- Know someone that is new to the neighborhood or hasn't yet joined SLNA? Feel free to invite them so they can see what we are all about!
Sound like fun? Click the button below to pick a date for your event!
Interested in Hosting?
Upcoming Events